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Attention NYSIF Retail Policyholders

Read on for a letter from the NYSIF to it's policyholders:

New York State Insurance Fund

PO Box 66699

Albany, NY 12206

Dear Policyholder,

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) makes a deeper impact on New York businesses, NYSIF stands ready to help. We are committed to being responsive to the needs of our customers throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

We realize the retail industry has been hit especially hard. Therefore, NYSIF will be suspending cancelations, late fees, interest and installment fees on your policy. We want to ensure that you maintain full coverage without assuming additional financial burden at this time.

We know you've experienced a significant decrease in your payroll - please contact your Policy Representative or Safety Group Manager to lower your premium. To contact your Policy Representative, please visit our website at, click "Get Policy Help" and have your policy number handy.

For those policyholders who do not have a NYSIF online account, we strongly encourage you to sign up; it's simple and easy. Having an online account will allow you to access important, up to date policy information and will allow NYSIF to quickly and effectively communicate vital information to you. To create a NYSIF online account, please visit our website at

There are a number of organizations offering coronavirus-related financial assistance. Below are two you may find helpful.

NYC Small Business Services (grants to support your payroll and interest free loans)

Small Business Administration (low interest loans)

As always, NYSIF remains committed to meeting the needs of you and your employees. We want to help you and your business during the difficult days and weeks ahead.

Thanks you.


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